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Spider and varicose veins

Varicose veins and spider veins are commonly found mainly in women. Such condition is usually common after childbirth. In some cases there is a genetic … Detaljnije


Substances used to fill facial wrinkles and lines are referred to as dermal fillers. They are usually jelly substances or viscose fluids manufactured from various … Detaljnije


Stem cells

Rejuvenate your face with stem cells Stem cells possess certain characteristics which offer numerous possibilities both in medical treatment of various  illnesses and in esthetic … Detaljnije


Botox Botulinum toxin is used to correct the existing crow’s feet, fine lines around the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the … Detaljnije


Facial and body rejuvenation

Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) Judging by the latest trends in esthetic surgery the future of anti-age medicine lies in the treatments  based on the self-regeneration … Detaljnije

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